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2/6/2012 04:31:58 am

What is real but your true identity allowing you to "be".

2/8/2012 05:16:14 am

You are right miss. Dee, you cannot "be" if you are not real!

Kathy Black
2/7/2012 03:31:02 am

I met Shorty Rossi and his pit bull Hercules from the show "Pit Boss" last Saturday at the Bay Area Pet Expo.

2/8/2012 05:14:05 am

Wow that is very cool! I have Dish Network so I am not able to watch the show but I have seen it a few times. I did hear about the PetExpo but was not able to make it, how was that?

Kathy Black
2/13/2012 02:49:43 am

The Pet Expo is really fun. It is free and there are many vendors and organizations there for you to talk to. There are mostly dog related things but it is for all pet owners. They had a demonstration of working protection dogs, agility dogs and dock diving. There were lots of pit bull owners there. Lots of free samples too. You should go next year. I think it will be the first Sat. in Feb.

2/15/2012 08:46:49 am

2/17/2012 04:10:23 am

Thanks Jenny I just checked it out, pretty cool!

2/13/2012 04:12:31 am

Right on Kathy that sounds great! Thanks for sharing with me I think I will try and make next year. :)

2/15/2012 08:46:06 am

Very Cool! Great Blogging!


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